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welcome to

1Junior Jaguars Football with Jaguar Bod

about us

- Vision Statement -

Foster a culture that provides the opportunity to develop our student athletes through success in academics and competition to achieve excellence in life.

- mission Statement -

to field teams that show excellence on the field, achieve in the classroom and positively impact our schools and communities.

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our culture

what we believe

how we behave

outcome we achieve

relentless effort

go as hard as you can 4-6 seconds, point a to point b.  go 1-0!

we are tougher than any situation or opponent we face!

own your role

focus on your job:  taking mental reps, game reps & being prepared.

you are prepared to make the play when your number is called.

power of the unit

believe in each other.  Holding each other to the standard.

brotherhood of trust to make each other better.

Upcoming Events

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bulletin board


FALL 2024 TACKLE FOOTBALL REGISTRATION is still open for our 8/9u team!


Iron jags STrength Training

will resume in january 2025





Want to sponsor us?

Know a sponsor?

We need your help.


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